Thursday, January 11, 2007

kid's joy!

My Mom has been planning this holiday for over 2 years now; to take my 5 year old nephew to Disney World. My parents took me there when I was 6 and despite what people may say, I do remember many things (that are not sparked memories from photographs!). I remembered it being an assault on my senses, an unbearable excitement, a dream I never wanted to wake up from! Much has happened in the last 30 years and many other more modern parks have opened up around the globe. However, Disney maintains a certain charm even for adults (despite many rides being a bit dated). This year, just watching my nephew's eyes light up in joy, amazement and surprise made it all worth it again. I've attached a picture so you can see what I mean! Oh.... and of course, me being unemployed and all that, and traveling with what my parents call "jeta-credit" (i.e. they pay for it all) made the experience even more sublime! Thanks Mom & Dad for a great New Year's gift!!

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