Saturday, January 07, 2006

Moving on...

Mom & Dad left last night and it just gets harder each time to see them go. We've had the chance to travel Vietnam together calmly, taking our time and letting each experience sink in slowly but surely. I've had the luxury treatment for 2 weeks and my days roughing it are about to begin again! I am glad I leave today for Hoi An. I always find it's hard to stay behind in a place when the others leave. There are wonderful memories everywhere, but my spirit aches and I urge to move on rises.

Moving on.....moving on is something I've been doing for a while in search for something I don't know. I think I'm slowly learning not to be too anxious about it. As Rilke said in his letters, (it went tomething like this..)you will not know wverything now... and that is OK and you need to learn to be OK with that because life will unfold at it's own pace when the time is right. (I think I'm going to have to get another copy of Letters to a Young Poet to re-read it - and add to the 10 book library I carry in my rucksack!)

I'm looking forward to some physical, mental and spiritual release in Hoi An...some time to let my mind accommodate all the experiences I've lived over the past weeks and allow me the time and inspiration to let them ooze out into my journal and through my skin. My next entry will be dedicated to a very touching experience I had in Sapa, in two hill tribe minority villages.

In the meantime, Mom... Dad...a million thanks for coming half way around the world, fearing chicken flu, knowing of your delicate health, and still braving nearly 24 hours of in flight service to be here with me, to take care of me and to join me in laughter and tears.

"me alegro bastante" y "tampoco quiero mas aguita"

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