Sunday, September 13, 2009

Flower shops and other musings

Chiang Mai- where else can you get fresh jasmine necklaces and lotus
flowers folded and prepared for you, for the temple or for the Buddha,
on a sleepy Sunday afternoon? When I am an old woman with a cane, I
will own a flower's one of the many businesses I hope to own
in my lifetime. I made a list the other day, which included:

Flower Shop (this one is reserved to old age somehow)
Wholesome Café with a stone or wood oven to bake fresh bread in, with
a yoga deck, herbal steam, jacuzzi and possibly a jungle pool in
Wholesome Café with many veggie options in Miami and/or Madrid a la
Chiang Mai's Blue DIamond
Bonz' map of Madrid, Barcelona, Manila, ... and perhaps London
Sustainable Travel website for world destinations
Online Volunteering Directory
Thai insipred place in Madrid and /or Miami with Thai massage, Thai
cooking courses, Thai food and Thai goods
Gastronomic & historic tours of Madrid
Boutique Guesthouse in Thailand

... so many dreams.... better get working on one of them soon! Life is
short. This is why I love to travel. So many ideas start flowing and
my mind gets busy dreaming, planning, visualising and getting into
action on what will soon be my own business. In the meantime, if I
don't end up living in Chiang Mai, I sure hpe it's a permaent stopover
for the rest of my life.

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