Sunday, May 28, 2006

aaahhh.... paradise

My Brother once told me that the beaches in the Philippines were the most beautiful on earth. I guess he must've learned about that through books and documentaries because he has never been. I think I'll charge myself with the task of bringing the entire family here some day because he was right on the money.

I came to the Philippines, referred in my guide books as "Asia's off the beaten track destination", after befriending three girls (Gai, Sue and Deb). They were travelling through Thailand last Novemeber and we met at the famous Walai House in Chiang Mai. They all live in the Philippines, although only Gai is actually from there. Deb rents a house on the beach and is planning to open a rejuvenation centre, while Gai and Sue both own resorts. They've all found their spot on the paradise and unspoilt island of Siargao, in the far southeast of the Philippines and overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Long promoted as a surfing spot thanks to it's "Cloud 9" reef, it is in fact far more than that; a remote and traditional island, overflowing with mangroves, pineapple and mango plantations, roaming carabau beef and a relaxed and laid back agricultural lifestyle. The towns are small and unpaved; the local roads are in fact the white sand from the beach. Life revolves around the fishing community who head out at sunrise to catch anything from lapu-lapu or milkfish to some of the tastiest mud-crab I've had in my life. It's and shelfish is such a common everyday meal here that the real proof of wealth and status during fiesats and celebrations is being able to sacrifice, roast and serve your guests a spit-fire roasted suckling pig called "lechon" or a good old slice of carabau beef. After visiting the famed (and rather commercial and overcrowded) island of Boracay, I can say that having a palm lined, powder white sand beach all to yourself is a luxury beyond belief that invites to early morning sunrise contemplation and yoga facing the ocean. I could live here.

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